
Software data penduduk kota depok
Software data penduduk kota depok

software data penduduk kota depok

Adityosulindro, Evaluasi dan Optimalisasi Kinerja Instalasi Pengolahan Air Minum Citayam, PDAM Tirta Kahuripan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Penduduk Kota Depok, Lingkung. Babu M., Performance Evaluation of Waste Water Treatment Plant, 2010.

software data penduduk kota depok software data penduduk kota depok

Nagarnaik, Performance Evaluation of a Water Treatment Plant (Case Study), in: 2010 3rd Int. Schwarzbauer, Transport of pollution from the megacity Jakarta into the ocean: Insights from organic pollutant mass fluxes along the Ciliwung River, Estuar. (iii) Capacity of Legong WTP could be increased from 190 L/s up to 250 L/s (iv) evaluation of sludge generation estimated 1763 kg/d of sludge was directly rejected to Ciliwung River without treatment. The result of performance evaluation was: (i) effluent water quality analysis of surrogate parameters showed compliance upon regulation (ii) Evaluation of each unit operation and processes vis-à-vis its design criteria indicated that flocculation and settling unit were not meet design criteria. The research method used includes primary and secondary data collection such as field observation, measurements of unit dimensions, water quality sampling, interview, etc. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of the Legong Water Treatment at Plant by calculating and comparing the design parameters and criteria of each unit operation and processes. Depok City, one of the most developing cities in West Java, require more drinking water to meet the needs of increased population. The rapid growth of population, industrialization, and other activities increased with increase drinking water demands.

Software data penduduk kota depok